Wow....okay... um.........................yeah... let's get into it... I guess... ???...??.. NOW OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION! ------------------------------ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||| | //
LATER-MAN PRODUCTIONS LTD. in association with NEOCITIES.ORG presents.... - - <><><><><> - <><><><> - - - Another less Fucked Writing from the' later-man April 22nd, 20xx - - - *********- - - ()()()()()() Scotty reminded me at a crucial point in my own journey that in order to truely be safe and well and protected and free we must banish from ourselves and our thoughts and our intentions and our lives this "FUCKING" Devil who tries to convince us that everything is worth the pleasures and sins of the flesh. Rightly and truely banish this thinking, this entity, this energy, this thought, into back which it came from which was NOTHING and instead think about 1 simple righteous cause which is love. Love all life. WWJD so to speak. Be pure. That's it... Simple, right? Easier said than done some times... I know. But once you rid yourself of this Devil you will FEEL the WEIGHT of this shit LIFTED off of you and lemme tell you... WHAT A RELIEF IT IS!!!!!!!!! FUCK THAT DEVIL ASSHOLE GUY!!!!!!! HE ALWAYS IS WRONG!!! HE ALWAYS MAKES ME SUFFER!!!!! Whenever I listen to that devil and chase something or someone I shouldn't it ALWAYS ends badly. Facts. So anyways, thank you brother for reminding me and nudging me back on the course. Good looks, dude, seriously! And I need to be better about reflecting that same positive support and energy back to my brother and all those who struggle daily. We can be a light in this world. It is so great too! It feels awesome! It feels purposeful and right and true and worthy. It feels like I'm dad again, but in a good way. Lead by example kinda. idk... anyways what did I REALLY start this off to say? I am in the midst of collecting my stories, legends, anecdotes, memoirs; the history of the man behind the mask, tactfully and fatefully deciding my own destiny and marking my path of chaos and accomplishment, run-ins with fantastic spirits and gatekeepers, thugs, henchmen, watchers, monsters, good guys, protectors, evil do-ers, and the rest of the moronic yet lovable cast of characters that populate this colorful and symbiotic mess we call Earth. It's Hell on Earth... who's next? I'm GOnna B FIRST!!!!!!!!! 1st!!!!!!! - MOBB DEEP And on that note... time to feed my musings into chatGPT to come up with 200 Clerks/Coffee&Cigarettes style Black & White short feature vignettes mostly dialogue based focused on comedy, relationships, social nature, communication, and a dark delve into the more mystical and science-fiction regions of psychological thriller and supernatural horror, both man-made and not. Follow us as we begin to unravel the layers. Feed your imagination. Feed your pineal gland. Decalcify it. Filter your water of heavy metals including lead and flouride. Become the NOTHINGNESS. LATER....MAN.... HOO HOO HA HA HAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :-D :^) (: (: (-: (-; ;) D-: xD xd XD
cats mary not marry create constantly and consciously you are your thoughts make haste be good be well do not fear any man or creature of this earth don't let anyone tell you 3 (three) 12oz. Red Bulls is too many sing play laugh feel cry, if necessary *don't bottle it up help if you can you can't help everyone you can't save anyone you can die trying life is pain don't piss into the wind eat your vegetables consume rich nourishing information and media/entertainment/education/pornography work THEN sleep WATER!!!!!! YOU ARE MADE OF WATER!!!! KEEP DRINKING WATER!!!!!!!! STAY HEALTHY AND HYDRATED!!!!!! :-) H20 YES!!!!!!!!!!! AQUA!!!!!!!!!! AGUA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRESH, FRESH, BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN, CLEAR, PURE HIGH QUALITY WATER!!!!! skate or die till you're like 25 then don't break any bones because you have to pay rent, working... 420 smoke weed every day it's what the real doctor (God) ordered and provided bountiful for you, my friends ......................................................... ............ ........ ........... ...... .. .............. . ............ . ............. ..... SKATE TO LIVE FCK DYIN', LMao XD xD !!1 ~!!~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~LATER!!~~~~~!MAn ................... . . ............ . . . .......... ............. . . . ........ ....... ..... I AM THE HUNGER TRAGEDY FILLS ME , I! . ............. ........... ........
"Yo FUC A Logi!!!!....... ........ right, dude?" ~Bab 2014 "Looooooooooong ******* ******* is looooooooonnnnnnnnng." ~Billy Geighths
OK .... NOW OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION! ------------------------------ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||| | LATER-MAN PRODUCTIONS LTD. in association with NEOCITIES.ORG presents.... - - - - - - Another Fucked Up Rant August 10th, 2023 - - - - - - When I was in jail for those combined 5 days, all I could think about was bad... bad bad bad. I couldn't wait to get out. I cried and kissed the street when I was released. Actually, absolutely soul-crushing. Always do whatever you can to stay out of there. ...later-man... 8/10/2023 F U C K J A I ZL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Wow that was fucking depressing lmao.. '' '' '' but really it's fucking real so take it for what it is and don't be like me, don't go to jail, yo! '' '' '' '' Anyways here is some more powerful uplifting words from brother Scott and the 1227 say whattup: (Paraphrased from an ethereal mind meld conference in downtown northern central eastern new england townships --------------------------------------------------------------circa Dec. 2023 ;) !!!! IN FLAMES LISTEN TO INFLAMES !!!!! FROM SWEDEN THEY KICK FUCKIN ASS YO!!!!!!!! First things first, if you can, listen to Farewell by Rush! ok that being said... Some Notes About Electricity! from Scotty :D [[[[[[[[[[[[[e[[l[[e[[c[[t[[r[]i]]c]]i]]]t]]]y]]]]]]]]]]]]] 'Probably some idiot apprentice did it years ago and it was just ey long as there's power haha' 'Don't worry about the next guy who wants to change what ya did eh hahaha' 'good to leave room when available though upon install to leave enough space to take things out and leave the safe amount extra when you need it for the next adaption of the wires there in the box if a change is necessary..' []]]]]]]]]]]]]]][]]]]]]]]]]]]]][]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][]]]]]]]]]]]]] n e x T another piece by Scot Sir BVaminggtonn observe!!! NOW! ( o ) ( o ) | | ___________________________ | | / \\ / \ | HA HAHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!! | o_____, /__ - - - == - - - - - - / [ ] | <> / [ ] \------_____--------^^^^^ [ ] [ ] The more knowledge you spread gives your greatest gift back to the community of souls we intervene with on this Earthly life indeed, haha!! smartphones started a new age ...the sounds you hear from singers ain't just melodies and pitches, man. Tone is the sound of the airway & the throat from the body of the singer. In whatever mental and emotional state they are in as they sing with or without meaning, along with how much or how little. Best tone you'll ever get is this: Forget everything you know about singing and do this: Whenever you sing someone else's song you didn't write vocal melodies for-learn the melodic lines of the notes the singer hit and play it on an instrument. forget how long or how short different things are you'll feel it right as it comes out once you have heard the in tune guitar fretted notes of the vocal melody lines and sing the words around those pitches however the fuck you want to speak in your voice with however much power you want to give it #micdrop play on King. I think that's the best vocal lesson I ever typed out or thought up. **EVERY VOICE YOU EVER MADE YOU CAN SING**** ... ....... ......... Doing what's right helping lift us up. If you tear people down that's the devil on your back or the demonic rage possessed people throwing rage at you Think about this one ***** The internet is laughing it's ass off right now because I am so grateful my dad ...................... ......................................................... ............ ........ ........... ...... .. .............. . ............ . ............. ..... ................... . . ............ . . . .......... ............. . . . ........ ....... ..... . ............. ........... ........
"Longer than most, shorter than few." ~Bab 2012
The Cult of SOME ACTRESS [version 1 OLD DRAFT 2024 MAY] ------------------------------------ A Short Story by SKEEV MCKWEEG --------------------------------- [outline/thoughts/rough sketch] . .. . .. . .. 1.) An ordinary mundane loser finds himself tangled in a web of mystery, cabal, in- tent, self-discovery, lust, greed, mania and madness when he reaches out to a famous Hollywood actress on facebook messenger. She invites him to a VIP dinner/meet-&-greet event where he slowly realizes everything he has read about MK-Ultra, Candy Jones, trance, scolpamine, adreno- chrome, hypnosis, subliminal messaging, cold-war-paranoia, Operations Paperclip and Mockingbird as well as Monarch programming is much more real and sinister than he had ever previously considered. it's Eyes Wide Shut Part 2 essentially The house of cards falls focused around this fan finding out the true horror and terror through helping heal the actress' undiagnosed DID/MPD and interviewing her several personalities to document her life story before she gets silenced in one way or another. Soundtrack lots of Beastie Boys instrumental. Some 1/5th backstory on fan drawing from Pi and Limitless regarding isolation and obsession with 1990s FPS 3D game engines, 90s pop culture, addiction/ hallucinations, conspiracies, ufos, aliens, occult, cults, mental health, relationships, music, friendships, business partnerships, school, love, rm, parents, divorce, illuminati, new england, pop-punk, Salem, Stephen King. 1 part Bill & Ted/ Jay & Silent Bob 1 part Eyes Wide Shut 1 part X-Files/Twilight Zone 1 part Prometheus 1 part Ninth Gate 1 part Loose Change 1 part Caddyshack/Coneheads 1 part Rashomon 1 part Donnie Darko 1 part Fear & Loathing 1 part Open Secret 1 part Hi-Fidelity 1 part School of Rock 1 part The Wall 1 part Singles 2.) Act I - Montvale/OTCs/ Cookies & Cream Fallout/ +chaos, fun, dreamland Act II - MK-Ultra/Wikileaks/ Film School +Coming of Age/ to terms with the herd/mob Act III - Sobriety/Programs:)/ Acoustic/Mental Health/ Manifesting Willpower & Real-Life Consequences +Aldo & Scott +Sexual Corruption +Financial Simpage Act IV - Independence + Girl Trouble +Rekindling with God Act V - Return to Shangri-La/ Back to the Godhead/ Loving Life + "Pissin' Out The Poison" [END with Acoustic Jam of "Too Hot" by ] Kool & The Gang with Ken & Scotty ] on the porch ] 3.) Soundtrack POW - Beastie Boys Adhesive - Stone Temple Pilots Incubus Make Yourself Total Bummer - NOFX Mota - The Offspring jfa
yes Scott, people rip off each other's art all the time and it's nothing new lmaoooo wat
1/19/24 ---------------- Life is so weird. Sometimes when you least expect it people enter your life or you enter theirs and you become bonded, entangled in such an organic way that never could happen purely out of will or intention. Funny how some of these people life surprises you with can be some of the most awesome people you will ever meet. you really can't predict what is going to happen in life. EDIT: TRUE BUT HALF OF IT IS YOUR MIND STATE TOO IT TAKES 2 TO T A N G O Chief...... okay pal?
weed % | $ | weight | name _________________________________________________________REDACTD___________________ disp1 | 32 28 3.5 30 45 7 disp2 | 23 17 3.5 27 22 - 25 85 28 disp3 | 34 28 3.5 28 40 4 EDIT REEEDIT UPDATE***** GO TO BROCKTON GREEN STAR I THINK 95 DOLLAR OZ'S!!!! FR BROCXKTON BTHCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC tl;dr: they change prices as you load - all mindgames - fucked!!!-___-_- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- haven't done one of these text files in a while.. battling myself, mice, addiction, bad actors, house politics... apparently this flew way under my radar but Sean Penn is a terrible guy. if you wanna know more just look up him and Dakota Fanning, Madonna, Venezuela, CIA, Mexican Drug Lords, him and Bill Maher defending Woody Allen, 2/17/24 is personally for me a special day because I balanced out or something social and karma wise i finally feel peace\ Just listen to Madhouse Live the Carlit0 machine!!!!!!! And make DOOM ][ Maps with UDB idk mang -\- ttextt files are infinitely more better than any social media or chat app. #offline is the way to go because wifi ppl suck anyways think about it most people statistically will disappoint you in one way or another /////holy shit i just cleared some mental block with the keyboard. /It all comes back to you if you just keep at it and don't let $$$ get in your head then boom. or bam [edit: BAM IS RIGHT YOU SAY] baaaam [BAM WHEN THE MAN BAMS NOW!] idk//// for a while bam got me through it just saying bam bam and stuff and oh yea all right guys --- 00 stuff like that. dude anyways..... didn't lose all faith in him but he he's just human like all people flawed anyway back to business which is? music obv. [ED:always!] /////~~```later-man 2/17/2024``````````
She might call you daddy but she calls me the best ;) You might be in her DMs but I'm picking up her prescriptions ;) [both true stories] future edit: both fuckn gay sounds like simp cuck sht to me bwoyyyyy!
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! LOVE will smack you right in the FACE when you least expect it ;) 3/11/2024 drank alcohol last night for the first time in a long time. not many people could get me to do that. they are a special people to me. i need to be careful about what I don't ordinarily do and behavior I don't ordinarily do around this person. not being dark just real just saying be careful is a necessary always ALWASY@! YOU DON"T KNOW HER WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????? ??????????????????????? ????????????????? MAN????????????? EDIT FROM FUTURE ME: Lmao you simp! stupid fuck dont drink you dumbass! and and ANNNNNNNND!!! TING A LING LING RING DING DING RING!!!!!!!!! DONT SIMP YOU FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERIODT!!!!!!!!!! HAHA FKC YOU ME!!! FUCK YOU!!!!! ok bye ''''''''
best times I've had were all alone in my car.
APRIL 1st, 2024 THE YEAR OF OUR LORD - woah < END >... no wait\ THERE'S M O TR E M O R E AND THAT';S A FACT\JACK(BIDEENE QUEENOFnwoLANDnwofoundLAND)))) I W A N T T O B E H I G H S O H I GH .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. I WANT T O B E FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E S O F R E E . . . ...............*sigh*............ ........................... ................ ......... ... . JUST ANOTHER LONELY EVENEING.... IN ANOTHER LONELY TOWN... CANT GETY TO WHERE I GOTCHA IN ANOTHER EASY PLACE IN A SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN TOWN F.........C........ that's why I'm-- F G Lonely I'm so lonely A Ant dats watch yguana wanjua dewwww I m gonna r i d e ON................... R I D E O N > > > G o n n a RIDE ON............ BLUes guitAR***noiseslidesandbendsand R I D E O N > > > one of these days *today* i'm gonna change my EVIL ways... til then i'll just... keep on... goin... gonna do it r i i i i i d e e e e e o o n n nn n n nn n n n n n n nn nnn ride on ..... gonna ride on .... ride on .... gonna ride on.... ride on... ride on.. ride......... rider .... ride ride rideeee... awayyyy ride.... go.... GO! GUITATR SOLO!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! anyywayssss hmmm on 33 ways to understand how I could just bil a stan let tuce disc gust guts bust hush up ya dum fukx or nut what we up to sun up hold ya g**up ye words of doom carry onnnnn forever hahah haha haha hahha hahhhhhaa aaaahhhh ahahahh hhaha f u c e m also the teletype is the greatest invetion since buffalo wing cheezit baked BAKED B A K E D D B A K E D snack crack ers hahaha fucking crackers haha fucking white people haha people hahhaa white hhaha races hahah caring ahahah about ahaha anythign haha i get it now hahahaha i really do man hahah become the nothingness hahahah so simple nihilism hjahahahah so real so true the real deal wanna go to heaven or hell??? choose! you decide!! ytne only you can tell me what the fuck do i do and who can judge my actions my sould HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAH HAHHA HAHAHFUCK YOU ALL SINCERELY| FUCK YOU WHO GIVES 2 fucks not me peace out fkc you see you at the old rumor mill down the way AND WE OUTTA HERE OUTTIE 5000 G 5000 G FIVE THOUSAND GEE WE OUTTA HERE P E A C E YOU SEE??? NOTHING BUT PEACE L O V E AND U N I T Y MEAN????? aaaahhhh !!!!!!!! all of the dj's surely have taken a lesson stop talking trash\ ors i\'ll come!!! with my smither and burns mf burn mf burn the roof the roof we dont need no cheeze its let this country time lemonade save me from scruvy yet again while i beat off to my elvira lifelicke action figure fucking amazing tits btw fr so anyhow and face and body so anyhow and hair and eyes and skin and neck and lips and tits and nipploes and aereolas goed god** i love women i mean i love their bodies nah and their minds nah and trheir soul nah their soullless ZXZX no dna half humanoids sub human fuckin christ almighty anyhow charge me hatecrime and social credits means i have to die early form cancer since im a smoker too so at 60 they decide its' enough burden on the taxpayer and you know since ubi benefits implemented in 2045 they really can't support my generations bloat figure this quarter so i got unludcy and yueah i wont be fudning this operation or running this ewbsite anymore or much longer sad to say\ so its' been a wild wild wil WILD wild w i l d w i l d w i l d W I L DDDDD FUCKING RIDE LEMME TELL YOU DUDE but anyhow it's my bedtime and my************************** i mean hahahah jk they're sleeping*********************** ftw any how dissos ftwjk***** any how duster ftw*** anyhow DXMftw*** anyhow jk never catch me dead doing some gay shit like ALCO I MEAN DXM hahaha never do dxm so fucking lame hahahah you 12 year old retard hahhaha peace merry xmas or happy holidays you pc fucks pEACE!!!!!---frim fram on the mic a delite
wow fucki it... fuck life... just drink and drink till you can't keep your head up and then drink more don't drink water... just keep drinking alcohol. eventually you pass out or choke and you won't wake up. then you can rest, finally... for good.
7/4/2024 ------------------------------------------------ Ash said I was looking gorgeous the other day and yest she said I have pretty eyes :) ahhhh..... sighhhhh..... she is so amazing..... Always will love her forever and ever, nothing could ever change that. <3 Ashley E. Y. ~2021 till infinityyyyy <33333333 She rules so hard :D Thank you, Ash, for being my best friend through hard times fr. you RULE!@!!!! Love you, Sis! <33333 So much fr fr!!!!! Honest to goodness one of the kindest and most lovely and real genuine souls I ever met. holy fuck **editors note: alot fucking happened in those 6 days. I'm still in love with Ashley and this is also not about her BY THE WAY... diary blog2 [[[[[[7/10/24]]]]]] Over explainer's complaint manu 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====================== ......................................................... .................................................... paranoia and movies man gee i really really i wonder i mean if there were no movies... or shows soooo many endless hours upon hours of stupid fucking blathering, clothed nipples poking, heavy breathing enough ok listen up for some real shit Yeah, yeah, yeah... maybe back in the caveman days it was a great feeling to exercise your physical body hunting dinner and then dominating a monkey pit of sex stink probably felt like a worthy use of time and maybe even an accomplishment.... I mean, think about it like this... back in those days you see.... with no electricity hence no internet i mean... yeah they had psychedelics right? once you realize that ssx tricky with your buddies at 10 years old (sorry to those who can't enjoy this memory, btw) is like actually no lie like for real dog it's like literally a magnitude of order about 5 times greater than sex with a 10/10 blonde bombshell... once you get over that hill, life kinda makes sense and everything just finally *clicks* and falls into place. I used to think it was some bizzare sexist form of humor like wow this guy HATES women but actually he also isn't gay... hmm where in the "spectrum" does this fella lie anyways, huh? But really no, it's like when Matt used to make that oafish, buffoon-like deep-pitched, completely idiotic parody of his hot sister whenever he told a story he voiced her so much like a big dumb retard hick guy... At the time I was getting stoney baloney in my early twenties and I ritually died from passing out laughing almost every night over his house and y'know, looking back those stories made me bust some of the guttiest laughs of my life that truly healed me and my spirit, fr. You can't buy that. You can't. Trust me. You can get it elsewhere from other means and whatever but trust, it is not something you can decidedly choose to buy and enjoy at a specific time on tuesday evening after WHEEL OF FORTUNE!!!!!!! Life has a funny way of making sure fate and destine paths criss cross over free will and the stagnanted mantra of the working class plebian. Once you buy a generator for backup power, you will notice how quickly the power company can get yours back on after the storms. Funny how that works like that, huh? Just like coinky-dinks! Ain't that right, mr. SHADOWNET? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH OMG I FORGOT YO!!!!!!!!! Wow... ROFLMAO!!!!!!! ROFLCOPTER!!!!!!111!!1! Wow okay so this morning a guy pulled over in the right lane at the lights in front of my house. tech that's a bus stop so I just wanted to f wit the gent a smidge and I walk up to brother I'm like oy! waving to him and the liek... And he doesn't do any and so I tap on the bloke's winnwo innit? OY BRUV THIS A BUSTOP! you don't wanna ticket best to cut around the corner there on mountain. He acts like I'm crazy so I start well why the all black car you like to be psuedo anon? He said he's picking up his friend I said come on you can tell me... are you in the SHADOWNET??? hahah and for whatever reason that freaked him out and he drove off ahahahah people are fucked in so many ways its really wild to say the least.
7/15/24 -------- SO I went for a night walk the other night since it's been a sweltering 90+ degree July North American Summer out there folks and at night it's actually not a soupy oven outside. Anyways.. found a really cool park with a hilltop view of the city surrounded by lush pine that detoxifies the polluted smog we breathe down on ground level MAIN ST. Along the way I noted several flyers laminated to various traffic light poles and electric boxes or public litter bins. Laminated by the way. Not just taped onto the pole, or stapled to wood but laminated so tightly you cannot remove it without tools. Posted about 4ft high, just barely low enough to evade adult gaze but be eye-level to most children. Upon further inspection they were blocks of text roughly 1 paragraph long, about 7-10 sentences in English in fun looking fonts. The language used was quite odd and descriptive seeming to draw attention to negative attributes and odd concepts to expect of children to understand. They rubbed me the wrong way. To me they looked like subtle corruption propaganda at the least and pure mind poison mind control material at the worst. After a quick camera-check I masked up and grabbed my trusty can of High Gloss BLACK Spraypaint and blacked those viruses out. Funny enough I saw some particular characters on their morning walk or commute or patrols giving me evil side eyes while alternating glances at the blacked out flyers. Made it kinda obvious who was at least upset about me derailing and foiling their schemes. They all had something in common by the way. But it's all in a day's work when you serve as a soldier in the ARMY OF THE LORD. Honored to do my duty, fam. P E A C E 1 ~~~~ L A T E R _ M A N |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.<END>
7/29/2024 ------------------------------------- =========================== //////////////////////....... ........... REST IN PEACE.. DJ SCREW.. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" LISTEN TO THIS PLAYLIST/MIXTAPE FROM DJ SCREW WHILE YOU READ THIS GOOD OLD WHOLESOME INFO PACKED TEXT FILE FROM THE LATER-MAN HERE @ NEO CITIES DOT ORG RIGHT HERE, BABY! YEAH! LET'S GO! PUSH! PUSHHHH!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------- *TANGENT #3840: VAN DER GRAFF GENERATORS----> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/////////////////> From Dan Dan the Science MAN!!!!!!!!! B-D (cool shades btw ;) Boston home of the world's LARGEST LARGETST LARGEST GEST (gest.... gest..... g e s t....) VAN DER GRAFFF GRAF GRAFFF GRAFFFFFF GRAFFFFFFF GENERATOR ORRRRR OTRRRR TORRRR ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...rrrrr...r r r... ...... AT THE MUSEUMMMM OF SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!!!!! nice...........! ok... so... BACK TO BUSINESS BABY! LET"S BEGIN, SHALL WE?! 1.] T_H_E_-_B_E_S_T_-_W_A_Y_ T_O_-_G_E_T_-_L_A_I_D_ w a s to play g u i t a r xd (.)(.) 8====D but now.... ..... Ahslsley toll me thas GHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUITAR IS g h E y!!!!??! WHQT?? WHAT?? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I DONT KNOW-- ?!?!?! WHAT?!?!? OH MY GOD?!?!? GUITAR GAY?!?!?! HOOW??!?!?!HO@W??? WHAT A BITCH!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck.... guitar gay... yoou gotta be KIDDING... me wow.... just goes to show karma is a bitch btw.... anyhow.. guns are cheap in america like daddy KURDT said... load up and bring your friends fun to lose and to pretend! :D NOW FOR 49.99!! ALL 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR BLOW O U T S A L E!! !! !! !! !! _+_+ +_+_ _+_+ _+_+_+ +_+_ __+_+_ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\\\\\\\//\//\\ \\\\\\\\\\//\/\/\//////////\/\/\//// /////\/\/\///\/\//\////\/\/// /\/\/// /\/\/ //// // / ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The following feature is a paid presentation brought to you by.... T H E _ __ _ ____ _ H A R D W A R E _____ __ S T O R E People (C) TM, INC. ____ _____ __ ___ _ of Boston, Massachusetts [][][] -------- --------- ------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |\\ 0 2 1 1 1 - 5 3 9 8 [ZIPcode] | || || || || | | || || || || | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| van der graf generator static electricity high school science class in the 70s and 80s -----------------------------------