==Phrack Inc.== Volume 0x10, Issue 0x47, Phile #0x01 of 0x11 |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=-------------------------=[ Introduction ]=----------------------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=----------------------=[ Phrack Staff ]=-------------------------=| |=-----------------------=[ ]=--------------------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=----------------------=[ August 19, 2024 ]=-------------------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| --[ Breaking The Spell It can feel like the world is in a dreamlike state; a hype-driven delirium, fueled by venture capital and the promises of untold riches and influence. Everyone seems to be rushing to implement the latest thing, hoping to find a magic bullet to solve problems they may not have, or even understand. While hype has always been a thing, in the past few years (2020-2024), we have witnessed several large pushes to integrate untested, underdeveloped, and unsustainable technology into systems that were already Going Through It. Once the charm wears off, and all the problems did not just magically disappear, they drop these ideas and move on to the next, at the cost of everyone else. Many of these New & Exciting ideas involve introducing increasingly opaque abstraction layers. They promise to push us towards The Future, yet only bring us further from understanding our own abilities and needs. It's easy to sell ideas like these. What isn't easy, is creating something both practical and sustainable. If we want to make the world more sustainable, we need to understand the inputs, outputs, dependencies, constraints, and implementation details of the systems we rely on. Whenever we make it more difficult to know something, we inch closer to an information dark age. After the past several decades of humanity putting all of its collective knowledge online, we are seeing more ways to prevent us from accessing it. Not only is good information harder to find, bad information is drowning it out. There are increasing incentives to gatekeep and collect rent on important resources, and to disseminate junk that is useless at best, and harmful at worst. In all of this chaos, the real threat is the loss of useful, verified, and trusted information, for the sake of monetizing the opposite. Fortunately, there are still hackers. For every smokescreen that clouds our vision, hackers help to clear the air. For every new garden wall erected, hackers forge a path around it. For every lock placed on our own ideas and cultural artifacts, hackers craft durable picks to unshackle them. Hackers try to understand what lies beyond their perspective. Hackers focus on what is real, and what is here. We can move forward through this bullshit. We can work together to maintain good information, and amplify the voices of those who are creating and curating it. We can learn how things actually work, share the details, and use these mechanisms to do some good. We can devise new methods of communication and collaboration, and work both within and between our communities to jam the trash compactor currently trying to crush us to death. Hacking is both a coping mechanism and a survival skill. It represents the pinnacle of our abilities as humans to figure out how to use whatever tools we may have, in whatever way we can, to do what we need to do. Hacking is a great equalizer, a common dialect, a spirit that exists within all of us. It has the power to shape the world into one we want to live in. The hacker spirit breaks any spell. --[ Table of Contents 0x01 Introduction ........................................ Phrack Staff 0x02 Phrack Prophile ..................................... Phrack Staff 0x03 Linenoise ........................................... Phrack Staff 0x04 Loopback ............................................ Phrack Staff 0x05 Phrack World News ................................... Phrack Staff 0x06 MPEG-CENC: Defective by Specification .................... retr0id 0x07 Bypassing CET & BTI With Functional Oriented Programming .................................................. LMS 0x08 World of SELECT-only PostgreSQL Injections: (Ab)using the filesystem ........................... Maksym Vatsyk 0x09 Broodsac: A VX Adventure in Build Systems and Oldschool Techniques ........................... Amethyst Basilisk 0x0A Allocating new exploits, Pwning browsers like a kernel, Digging into PartitionAlloc and Blink engine ............. r3tr074 0x0B Reversing Dart AOT snapshots ............................. cryptax 0x0C Finding hidden kernel modules (extrem way reborn): 20 years later ............................................ g1inko 0x0D A novel page-UAF exploit strategy to Jinmeng Zhou, Jiayi Hu, privilege escalation in Linux systems .... Wenbo Shen, Zhiyun Qian 0x0E Stealth Shell: A Fully Virtualized Attack Toolchain ........................................... Ryan Petrich 0x0F Evasion by De-optimization ............................. Ege BALCI 0x10 Long Live Format Strings ......................... Mark Remarkable 0x11 Calling All Hackers .......................................... cts --[ Greetz This zine would not be possible without the hacker community. Thank you to everyone who sent us a paper, donated to us, made art, or otherwise supported this release. Thank you to the Phrack Staff and Editor Team for putting together a fine collection of papers. Shoutout Inpatient Press for helping us navigate a print release. Phrack Staff would like to thank Elttam, BShield, Fuzzing.IO, grayfox, bas, 0xricksanchez, zd00m, roddux, gynvael, bort, h_saxon, halvar, volvent, mercy, skyper, ga/adm, awr, jon, cts, gbaruT and red dragon for generously donating to help fund the print edition of Phrack 71! Enormous thank you to everyone who contributed art to the Phrack 71 print release: x0, netspooky, amnesia, ris, bad will, ackmage, sillybears, del abstrakt, tainted, whatzzit, kx. This zine would not have been possible without the following people: TMZ -- Riding atop a cart full of zines into the sunset... sblip -- World Wide Hax Collector RiS -- Thank you for calling all the hackers :) netspooky -- BLE (Big Leader Energy), ty for keeping the scene alive - we love u grenlith -- *earth shattering doom riff plays* chompie -- Showed us how to write kernel exploits with french tips ackmage -- Ensured that the CRUD is FUD ;) roddux -- Weird machine quality assurance specialist maxpl0it -- The real internet explorer skyper -- Cyber Senpai joernchen -- The only Key Master that isn't rigged grugq -- Still rocking the onion on your belt like a g Phrack Staff -- For putting together an awesome zine Phrack Staph -- For getting under our skin A message to all fuckers: Stop using war to justify your continued power. A question for all baddies: How will you fight when stealth is not an option? --[ Phrack policy phrack:~# head -77 /usr/include/std-disclaimer.h /* * All information in Phrack Magazine is, to the best of the ability of * the editors and contributors, truthful and accurate. When possible, * all facts are checked, all code is compiled. However, we are not * omniscient (hell, we don't even get paid). It is entirely possible * something contained within this publication is incorrect in some way. * If this is the case, please drop us some email so that we can correct * it in a future issue. * * * Also, keep in mind that Phrack Magazine accepts no responsibility for * the entirely stupid (or illegal) things people may do with the * information contained herein. Phrack is a compendium of knowledge, * wisdom, wit, and sass. We neither advocate, condone nor participate * in any sort of illicit behavior. But we will sit back and watch. * * * Lastly, it bears mentioning that the opinions that may be expressed in * the articles of Phrack Magazine are intellectual property of their * authors. * These opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Phrack Staff. */ _______ ____ ____ _______ _______________ _____ _____ ._\\____ \\ | |__\\__ \ _\\__ /\ __//_\ | / / : |/ >> : : :/ /./ / | | /. !/ / | : / | / \| __ | | | / \ | ____/| | | \ \ | |__ : | \ \ | |/// |____| |_____\ |\___ | ://\ !_____\ \ | : /////:____|/////\\____|////\\___/. \\____://///\\_____/ |___/ e-zine /////: //////| //// ///// ////// //// . : x0^67^aMi5H^iMP! --[ Phrack 72 Call For Papers 2025 marks 40 years since Phrack first appeared online. Let's make this next issue really shine! We are planning another print release, we need your papers! Here's to Phorty more years :)) ----( Contact )---- < Editors : staff[at]phrack{dot}org > > Submissions : submissions[at]phrack{dot}org < < /dev/urandom : loopback[at]phrack{dot}org > > Arts & Leisure : arts[at]phrack{dot}org < The rules are simple: + 7-bit ASCII wrapped to 76 columns + English language + PGP if you wish, but not required (use our key below) + ANTISPAM in the subject line or face the Spam God and walk backwards into hell -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PHRACK mQINBFM+oeYBEADMTNkOinB/20s5T9Oo3eG39RaE6BQjgegag6x3DxIPQktLdT9L vsC8OH0ut4KKx8iva62BxNMr8Y24cpMIG0mBgGxDn9U6TaexmhgeTKGZWaS/61Ew EfgG4QSzQTj2soX9g6uo5HTRnl7cYPUsVRO7NIbNj15F9O6Q1xmnhSs79pyiqQ7/ uNgZJrNXY2ksd1jbfxUsHzV9KY7YjqVmUJEEHA6IHfmjwJ6E5accmHK+Q1RrPJL3 SafFFOlnvtZLW62ZMsEc5H8TsKl73E3fv2jHLkNIGO9mrmfLgBwM/KkuRy4WQVzL TsgiRGLYKIbgPAFskbYdmH7elWBoUWA7YDw6yXZnysqL0St/g2/vYhVOVcGT9gKV oTBNGSKDhvfMGSj8lphDOUIshuFkCWGX7XyI5KWPfgDdCTm6I+JPhrTfmrLfDi6V 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S0qKQ8sK5DMfZyWRrgn+zizQNUtoEPgdXwTM2aGs66iKVzAnI2joCu0lTdrDR0Di Ph+uuMgss9MBff2QmghPXbZ+7L9zLf0VPWW6wUZJuH2TdEeZAbj1pJSGsjzUHJYR 2ldVc4mVLr3vAkcaiD4PZ20HnBQrrMhHNmhUcpgw =2t8m -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- |=[ EOF ]=---------------------------------------------------------------=| Title : MPEG-CENC: Defective by Specification Author : David "retr0id" Buchanan ==Phrack Inc.== Volume 0x10, Issue 0x47, Phile #0x06 of 0x11 |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=--------------=[ MPEG-CENC: Defective by Specification ]=--------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=---------------------=[ David "retr0id" Buchanan ]=--------------------=| |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=| --[ Table of Contents 0 - Introduction 1 - The Video Streaming DRM Landscape 1.0 - Pointing a Camera at the Screen (Aka “The Analog Hole”) 1.1 - Digitally Recording the HDMI Port 1.2 - Exfiltrating the Decrypted but Not-Yet-Decompressed Data 1.3 - Exfiltrating Content Keys 1.4 - Exfiltrating CDM Secrets 1.5 - EME, MSE, WTF? 2 - The DeCENC Exploit 2.0 - How to Bypass a Video Decoder 2.1 - Leveraging I_PCM 2.2 - The Devilish Details 2.2.0 - Background: AES-CTR 2.2.1 - NAL Unit Emulation Prevention Bytes 2.2.2 - Chroma Subsampling 2.2.3 - Limited Range Color 2.2.4 - Crafting I_PCM Bitstreams 2.2.5 - Metadata Preparation 2.2.6 - Video Stream Substitution 2.2.7 - Putting It All Together 3 - Capabilities 4 - Mitigations 5 - Aside: Learning about h264, MP4, and ISO-BMFF 6 - Reflections 7 - References [================= [ 0. Introduction [================= You've probably heard the saying "DRM is defective by design". It's true, and I can prove it. In this paper I present DeCENC, a generic attack on the MPEG-CENC file format. DeCENC enables decryption of video files without direct knowledge of the key. The fundamental flaw involves the use of encryption without authentication - a rookie error[0], although exploiting it in this context is fiddly, to say the least. MPEG-CENC is not DRM[1], but it is an encrypted media container format commonly used as part of DRM systems. Any DRM'd playback system that correctly implements the MPEG-CENC specification is conceptually vulnerable to DeCENC. The attack relies on interactions with video codec features present in either h264 (AVC) or h265 (HEVC), which are both widely supported. Applicability to other codecs is plausible but has not yet been investigated. DeCENC is a security research tool that may be used to assess the robustness of CENC-compatible video DRM systems. Although the exploit aims to be generic, I make no specific claims of compatibility with any particular DRM system or configurations thereof. However, the PoC source release includes documentation for testing against "ClearKey", a pseudo-DRM scheme defined as part of the W3C's EME specification[2]. The source is available here[3]: By the way, all the relevant MPEG specs are paywalled (thanks ISO,) so I'll try to keep my explanations here self-contained. [====================================== [ 1. The Video Streaming DRM Landscape [====================================== Before I get into the attack itself, I'd like to give some background. I'm trying to steer clear of vendor-specific implementation details, lest I lose the Do Not Violate The DMCA Challenge (2024 edition,) so here's an overview of how a generic video streaming DRM system might work: +----- The Big Scary DRM Black-Box -----+ | | +----------+ | +-------------+ | | | | | License | | | Movies |<---->| Acquisition | | | R Us | | +-------------+ | | dot com | | | Keyz | | (content | | v | | provider)| | +-------------+ +---------------+ | +---------+ | |----->| Decryption |-->| Video Decoder |---->| Monitor |-> eyes +----------+ | +-------------+ +---------------+ | +---------+ +---------------------------------------+ Like most video on the internet, it's compressed, with a codec like h264. But now it's encrypted, too. Your computer needs to decrypt it before it can render it to your screen, and that's where a CDM (Content Decryption Module) comes in. The CDM runs on "your" device, and is either implemented using software, secure hardware (e.g. inside a secure enclave,) or some combination of the two. My diagram represents it as "The Big Scary DRM Black-Box" - you're not supposed to be able to tamper with it, or meaningfully inspect its operation. In theory. Before the CDM can decrypt the video, it needs the decryption key. How does the key get inside the CDM? It depends, but normally there's a protocol between the CDM and the content provider. During "license acquisition", the content provider decides whether it trusts the CDM, whether the user has permission to access the content, etc. If the licensing authority is happy with all the details, then it'll issue a "license" (containing relevant key material) to the CDM. This protocol is secured so that an eavesdropper can't just sniff keys as they travel over the network. MPEG-CENC is a container file format that stores the metadata a CDM needs in order to do its job, telling it which parts of the file are encrypted, how, and with which keys. It doesn't store keys directly (that would be too easy to break!) but instead references keys by an ID. The CDM is responsible for figuring out how to map a key ID to an actual decryption key. CENC stands for "Common ENCryption", the idea is that it's a common standard that many DRM systems can share. This is convenient for streaming platforms, because they can (in theory) serve the same file to all their users, regardless of which DRM system they're using (because not all platforms support all DRM systems.) It's important to note that CENC is just a file format. The CENC specification doesn't say anything about how DRM should work, it is only concerned with encryption metadata. You could in theory use CENC for some non-DRM purpose, or architect the DRM differently to what I just described above. So that's how it's all *supposed* to work. Now let's go through some common ways that systems like this are broken, ordered roughly from easiest to hardest. --[ Method 0: Pointing a Camera at the Screen (Aka “The Analog Hole”) This attack is so low-tech that it's impossible to prevent, although watermarking can discourage it. No matter how good your camera is, your recording will be imperfect. Sometimes called a "camrip", these are the bottom of the barrel in the video archival scene. --[ Method 1: Digitally Recording the HDMI Port HDCP ("High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection") is supposed to make this impossible, by encrypting the video link, but in practice even newer versions of HDCP are trivially bypassed using "splitter" dongles[4]. Similarly, it may be possible to record a device's screen using pure software methods, although CDMs can take steps to prevent this using platform-specific features. The result of this approach is much better than a camrip, but it also necessitates re-compressing the video data. This is undesirable because it either inflates the file size, introduces codec artifacts, or both. This problem is known as Generation Loss[5]. The resulting video file might be labeled as a "WEBRip". --[ Method 2: Exfiltrating the Decrypted but Not-Yet-Decompressed Data Video decoding (i.e. decompression) is a separate process to decryption. At the very least, these will be implemented by two different areas of software, or even different pieces of hardware (e.g. a hardware video decoder.) CDMs will do their best to prevent it, but as the data travels between these two components it is potentially exposed to adversarial archivists. --[ Method 3: Exfiltrating Content Keys For decryption to work, the relevant keys must be held *somewhere* within the walls of the CDM, within the playback device owned by the attacker. The keys can be obfuscated[6], put in secure hardware, etc., but they're still in there somewhere. A sufficiently determined attacker will always be able to get them back out again. Cryptographic side-channel attacks[7] are very much on the cards here. --[ Method 4. Exfiltrating CDM Secrets In practice, the CDM must contain some sort of key material that it uses to authenticate itself as genuine, during License Acquisition (i.e. content key provisioning.) This key material might be provisioned to hardware during device manufacturing, or it might just be another software-obfuscated secret. If this identification/authentication material can be extracted[8][9][10] (or perhaps merely "code lifted"[11], in the case of software obfuscation,) then an attacker can replace the whole CDM with their own code, and request content keys from the licensing authority directly. They'll still need permission to view the content (e.g. a premium account on a streaming service,) but now they can trivially access its decryption keys. This general approach is perhaps the most difficult to achieve in the first place, but once you've got it working it's extremely repeatable. Those last 3 techniques all permit an archivist to get a complete and "untouched" copy of the original video file, without any re-encoding or other losses. The resulting file might be referred to as a "WEBDL", which is as good as it gets for archival of streamed videos (Note: Some people use the terms "WEBDL" and "WEBRip" interchangeably. I'm not one of those people.) Truly discerning archivists will usually opt for files sourced from physical media[12] however, but that's out of scope for this paper. Every time you see "WEBDL" or "WEBRip" in a media file name, it's likely that one of the above techniques were used to obtain it, or some variation thereof. From the existence of these files we can perhaps infer that DRM is a "solved problem" (from the archival perspective, at least,) but many of those solutions remain closely guarded secrets. --[ 1.5: EME, MSE, WTF? There's one last piece of background to get out of the way before I move on to the fun stuff. EME stands for Encrypted Media Extensions. It's a standardized API for the web platform that allows web pages to show DRM-encumbered content. CENC still exists as a standalone format, but it's most commonly used today as a subcomponent of EME. EME doesn't specify any actual DRM, it just describes an interface between DRM systems and web browsers. MSE stands for Media Source Extensions. It's a closely related API that allows for more flexibility in how video data gets piped into HTML